
TextArea is a multi-line area that displays plain text, optionally wrapped at word boundaries (whitespace), and internally handles scrolling.

<textarea text="TextArea" wrap="true" columns="40" rows="2" />

textstring''The text contained in this textarea.
columnsinteger0The number of visible letters in a column.
rowsinteger0The number of visible rows for this textarea.
editablebooleantrueThe specified boolean to indicate whether or not this textarea should be editable. A non-editable area is focusable, and selectable.
wrapbooleanfalseIf set to true the lines will be wrapped at word boundaries (whitespace) if they are too long to fit within the allocated width.
borderbooleantrueIf set to false, no border will be drawn around the textarea, and its background will be set to the default background color, to visually "blend" with its container. You can still override this by setting a custom background color.
startinteger0Start index of the selection.
endinteger0End index of the selection, same as the caret position.
name, enabled, visible, tooltip, property, width, height, colspan, rowspan, weightx, weighty, halign, and valign parameters are similar to component
actionGives notification (invokes the given method) that there was an insert into the text or a portion of the text has been removed.
insertGives notification that there was an insert into the text (and possibly a portion has been removed too).
removeGives notification that a portion of the text has been removed.
caretTo track whenever the caret position has been changed.
HomeMoves to beginning of line
EndMoves to end of row or line
Ctrl-HomeMoves to beginning of data
Ctrl-EndMoves to end of data
Up arrowMoves insertion point up one line
Down arrowMoves insertion point down one line
Page UpMoves up one view
Page DownMoves down one view
Right arrowMoves insertion point one character to the right
Left arrowMoves insertion point one character to the left
Ctrl-right arrowMoves insertion point to beginning of next word
Ctrl-left arrowMoves insertion point to beginning of previous word
+ShiftExtends selection
Enter, ReturnInserts line-break
BackspaceDeletes the previous character
DeleteRemoves the following character
Ctrl-A, Ctrl-SlashSelects all
Ctrl-BackslashDeselects all
Ctrl-XCuts selected text into the clipboard
Ctrl-CCopies selected text into the clipboard
Ctrl-VPastes the clipboard content
Tab, Shift-TabNavigate forward, backward