
TabbedPane contains tabs and components. The first tab (has an index equal to 0) is associated with the first component. This example tabbed pane has 3 tab and 3 components (text areas), tabs are on the left, and the second component is visible.

<tabbedpane placement="left" selected="1" action="tabchanged">
  <tab text="One" icon="image.gif">
    <textarea text="One" />
  <tab text="Two" alignment="right">
    <textarea text="Two" />
  <tab text="Three" enabled="false">
    <textarea text="Three" />

placementchoicetopThe placement for the tabs relative to the content. Possible values are: top, left, bottom, right, and stack. The default value, if not set, is top. The stack placement arranges tabs so that they resemble a sidebar.
selectedinteger0The index of the currently selected tab, and the visible content (the first index is 0). Value -1 means there is no selected tab.
name, enabled, visible, tooltip, property, width, height, colspan, rowspan, weightx, weighty, halign, and valign parameters are similar to component
actionInvokes the method when the tabbedpane has changed its selected tab index.


Tabs are identified in the component's list as 'tab', and components with the 'component' key.

mnemonicinteger-1Specifies the underlined char and the key combination which selects the tab.
name, enabled, text, icon, alignment, tooltip, and property parameters are similar to combobox choice
Left arrow, up arrowSelects previous tab
Right arrow, down arrowSelects next tab
Tab, Shift-TabNavigate forward, backward