public void | add(Object component) |
public void add(java.lang.Object component)
Adds the specified component to the root desktop
component - a widget to be added
public void | add(Object parent, Object component) |
public void add(java.lang.Object parent, java.lang.Object component)
Adds the specified component to the end of the specified container
parent - a container
component - a component to be added
public void | add(Object parent, Object component, int index) |
public void add(java.lang.Object parent, java.lang.Object component, int index)
Adds the specified component to the container at the given position
parent - a container
component - a component to be inserted
index - the position at which to insert the component,
or -1 to insert the component at the end
protected void | characters(String text) |
protected void characters(java.lang.String text)
The SAX-like parser calls this method, you have to overwrite it
text - the content of a tag
public static Object | create(String classname) |
public static java.lang.Object create(java.lang.String classname) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Creates a new component
classname - the widget type (e.g. button)
a new component, every component is simply an Object
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - for unknown widget type
public boolean | destroy() |
public boolean destroy()
This method is called by the FrameLauncher if the window was closing,
or AppletLauncher's destroy method. Overwrite it to e.g. save the application changes.
true to exit, and false to keep the frame and continue the application
protected void | endElement() |
protected void endElement()
The SAX-like parser calls this method, you have to overwrite it
public Object | find(Object component, String name) |
public java.lang.Object find(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String name)
Finds the first component from the specified component by a name
component - the widget is searched inside this component
name - parameter value identifies the widget
the first suitable component, or null
public Object | find(String name) |
public java.lang.Object find(java.lang.String name)
Finds the first component from the root desktop by a specified name value
name - parameter value identifies the widget
the first suitable component, or null
public boolean | getBoolean(Object component, String key) |
public boolean getBoolean(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key)
Gets the property value of the given component by the property key
public String | getChoice(Object component, String key) |
public java.lang.String getChoice(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key)
Gets the property value of the given component by the property key
public static String | getClass(Object component) |
public static java.lang.String getClass(java.lang.Object component)
Gets the type of the given component
component - a widget
the class name of the component (e.g. button)
public Color | getColor(Object component, String key) |
public java.awt.Color getColor(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key)
Get custom color of a component.
component - a component
key - the identifier of the parameter, e.g. "foreground"
value of the custom color, or null if default color is used
public Component | getComponent(Object component, String key) |
public java.awt.Component getComponent(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key)
Get the AWT component of the given (currently bean) widget
component - a bean widget
key - the identifier of the parameter
an AWT component, or null
public int | getCount(Object component) |
public int getCount(java.lang.Object component)
Gets the count of subcomponents in the list of the given component
component - a widget
the number of components in this component
protected static String | getDOMAttribute(Object node, String key) |
protected static java.lang.String getDOMAttribute(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.String key)
Gets the attribute value by the specified key for a DOM tag
node - a specified tag
key - a string to identify the value pair
the value, or null
protected static int | getDOMCount(Object node, String key) |
protected static int getDOMCount(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.String key)
Gets the number of tags in a tag by a specified tagname
node - a specified tag
key - the searched tagname
the number of tags
protected static Object | getDOMNode(Object node, String key, int index) |
protected static java.lang.Object getDOMNode(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.String key, int index)
Gets the subtag of the specified tag by tagname and index
node - a specified tag
key - the searched tagname
index - the index of the requested subtag
the found tag, or null
protected static String | getDOMText(Object node) |
protected static java.lang.String getDOMText(java.lang.Object node)
Gets the content string of a tag
node - a specified tag
the value, or null
public Object | getDesktop() |
public java.lang.Object getDesktop()
Get the topmost component
the root object (it is a desktop), never null
public Font | getFont(Object component, String key) |
public java.awt.Font getFont(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key)
Get custom font of a component.
component - a component
key - the identifier of the parameter, e.g. "font"
may return null if the default font is used
public Image | getIcon(Object component, String key) |
public java.awt.Image getIcon(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key)
Gets the property value of the given component by the property key
public Image | getIcon(String path) |
public java.awt.Image getIcon(java.lang.String path)
Creates an image, and loads it immediately by default
path - is relative to your thinlet instance or the classpath
(if the path starts with '/' character), or a full URL
the loaded image or null
public Image | getIcon(String path, boolean preload) |
public java.awt.Image getIcon(java.lang.String path, boolean preload)
Creates an image from the specified resource.
To speed up loading the same images use a cache (a simple hashtable).
And flush the resources being used by an image when you won't use it henceforward
path - is relative to your thinlet instance or the classpath, or an URL
preload - waits for the whole image if true, starts loading
(and repaints, and updates the layout) only when required (painted, or size requested) if false
the loaded image or null
public int | getInteger(Object component, String key) |
public int getInteger(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key)
Gets the property value of the given component by the property key
public Object | getItem(Object component, int index) |
public java.lang.Object getItem(java.lang.Object component, int index)
Returns the subcomponent of the given component's specified list at the given index
component - a specified container
index - the index of the component to get
the indexth component in this container
public Object[] | getItems(Object component) |
public java.lang.Object[] getItems(java.lang.Object component)
Gets all the components in this container
component - a specified container
an array of all the components in this container
public Object | getParent(Object component) |
public java.lang.Object getParent(java.lang.Object component)
Gets the parent of this component
component - a widget
the parent container of this component or item
public Dimension | getPreferredSize() |
public java.awt.Dimension getPreferredSize()
Gets the preferred size of the root component
getPreferredSize in class java.awt.Container
a dimension object indicating the root component's preferred size
public Object | getProperty(Object component, Object key) |
public java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.Object key)
Returns the value of the property with the specified key.
component - searches the hashtable of this component
key - the client property key
the value to which the key is mapped or null if the key is not mapped to any value
public int | getSelectedIndex(Object component) |
public int getSelectedIndex(java.lang.Object component)
Gets the index of the first selected item in the given component
component - a widget (combobox, tabbedpane, list, table, or tree)
the first selected index or -1
public Object | getSelectedItem(Object component) |
public java.lang.Object getSelectedItem(java.lang.Object component)
Gets the first selected item of the given component
component - a widget (combobox, tabbedpane, list, table, or tree)
the first selected item or null
public Object[] | getSelectedItems(Object component) |
public java.lang.Object[] getSelectedItems(java.lang.Object component)
Gets the selected item of the given component (list, table, or tree)
when multiple selection is allowed
component - a widget
the array of selected items, or a 0 length array
public String | getString(Object component, String key) |
public java.lang.String getString(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key)
Gets the property value of the given component by the property key
public Object | getWidget(Object component, String key) |
public java.lang.Object getWidget(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key)
protected void | handleException(Throwable throwable) |
protected void handleException(java.lang.Throwable throwable)
Overwrite this method to handle exceptions thrown
by the invoked custom methods
throwable - the thrown exception by the bussiness logic
public boolean | isFocusTraversable() |
public boolean isFocusTraversable()
This component can be traversed using Tab or Shift-Tab keyboard focus traversal,
although 1.4 replaced this method by isFocusable,
so 1.4 compilers write deprecation warning
isFocusTraversable in class java.awt.Component
true as focus-transverable component, overwrites the default false value
public void | paint(Graphics g) |
public void paint(java.awt.Graphics g)
Paints the components inside the graphics clip area
paint in class java.awt.Container
public Object | parse(InputStream inputstream) |
public java.lang.Object parse( inputstream) throws
Creates a component from the given stream
inputstream - e.g. new URL("http://myserver/myservlet").openStream()
the root component of the parsed stream
Throws: -
public Object | parse(InputStream inputstream, Object handler) |
public java.lang.Object parse( inputstream, java.lang.Object handler) throws
Creates a component from the given stream and event handler
inputstream - read xml from this stream
handler - event handlers are implemented in this object
the parsed components' root
Throws: -
public Object | parse(String path) |
public java.lang.Object parse(java.lang.String path) throws
Creates a component (and its subcomponents, and properties)
from the given xml resource
path - is relative to your thinlet instance or the classpath
(if the path starts with an / character), or a full URL
the root component of the parsed resource
Throws: -
public Object | parse(String path, Object handler) |
public java.lang.Object parse(java.lang.String path, java.lang.Object handler) throws
Creates a component from the given xml resource using the
specified event handler
path - is relative to your application package or the classpath, or an URL
handler - bussiness methods are implemented in this object
the parsed components' root
Throws: -
protected Object | parseDOM(InputStream inputstream) |
protected java.lang.Object parseDOM( inputstream) throws
You can use the internal xml parser as a simple DOM-like parser,
use the getDOMAttribute, getDOMText,
getDOMCount, getDOMNode, getClass,
and getParent methods to analise the document
inputstream - e.g. new URL("http://myserver/myservlet").openStream()
the root tag
Throws: -
protected void | parseXML(InputStream inputstream) |
protected void parseXML( inputstream) throws
You can use the internal xml parser as a simple SAX-like parser,
during the process it calls the startElement, characters,
and endElement methods
inputstream - e.g. new URL("http://myserver/myservlet").openStream()
Throws: -
protected void | processEvent(AWTEvent e) |
protected void processEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent e)
Dispatches mouse, key, focus, and component events occurring on the
Thinlet component internally
processEvent in class java.awt.Container
public void | putProperty(Object component, Object key, Object value) |
public void putProperty(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
Binds the specified key to the specified value, and stores in this component.
Null value removes the property. Use the parameter tag in the xml
resource to bind a string value, the format is: parameter='key=value'
component - the hashtable is binded to this component
key - the client property key
value - the new client property value
public void | remove(Object component) |
public void remove(java.lang.Object component)
Remove the specified component from its parent list, or
delete component's popupmenu or table's header
component - the component to be removed
public void | removeAll(Object component) |
public void removeAll(java.lang.Object component)
Removes all the components from this container's specified list
component - the specified container
public void | repaint(Object component) |
public void repaint(java.lang.Object component)
Repaint the given component's area later
component - a visible widget inside thinlet desktop
public boolean | requestFocus(Object component) |
public boolean requestFocus(java.lang.Object component)
Requests that both the Thinlet component,
and the given widget get the input focus
component - a focusable widget inside
visible and enabled parents, and tabbedpane's selected tab
true, if the given component was focusable
public synchronized void | run() |
public synchronized void run()
A second thread is used to repeat value change events for scrollbar or spinbox
during the mouse is pressed, or to pop up tooltip
public void | setBoolean(Object component, String key, boolean value) |
public void setBoolean(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key, boolean value)
Sets the given property pair (key and value) for the component
public void | setChoice(Object component, String key, String value) |
public void setChoice(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
Sets the given property pair (key and value) for the component
public void | setColor(Object component, String key, Color color) |
public void setColor(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key, java.awt.Color color)
Set custom color on a component.
Notes: For "foreground" key, this sets the text color.
For "background" key, on gradient-filled
components (such as tabs, buttons etc) this will result in a
component filled with solid background color, and not a new gradient.
Also, Color.brighter() will be used for highlight, and Color.darker()
will be used for pressed or not selected.
component - component to use for custom color
key - currently "background" and "foreground" are supported
color - custom color to use, or null to reset component to use default color
public void | setColors(int background, int text, int textbackground, int border, int disable, int hover, int press, int focus, int select) |
public void setColors(int background, int text, int textbackground, int border, int disable, int hover, int press, int focus, int select)
Sets the 9 colors used for components, and repaints the whole UI
background - the backround of panels (dialogs, desktops),
and disabled controls, not editable texts, lines between list items
(the default value if #e6e6e6)
text - for text, arrow foreground (black by default)
textbackground - the background of text components, and lists
(white by default)
border - for outer in inner borders of enabled components
(#909090 by default)
disable - for text, border, arrow color in disabled components
(#b0b0b0 by default)
hover - indicates that the mouse is inside a button area
(#ededed by default)
press - for pressed buttons,
gradient image is calculated using the background and this press color
(#b9b9b9 by default)
focus - for text caret and rectagle color marking the focus owner
(#89899a by default)
select - used as the background of selected text, and list items,
and in slider (#c5c5dd by default)
public void | setComponent(Object component, String key, Component bean) |
public void setComponent(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key, java.awt.Component bean)
Set the AWT component for the given (currently bean) widget
component - a bean widget
key - the identifier of the parameter
bean - an AWT component, or null
public void | setFont(Font font) |
public void setFont(java.awt.Font font)
Sets the only one font used everywhere, and revalidates the whole UI.
Scrollbar width/height, spinbox, and combobox button width,
and slider size is the same as the font height
setFont in class java.awt.Container
font - the default font is SansSerif, plain, and 12pt
public void | setFont(Object component, Font font) |
public void setFont(java.lang.Object component, java.awt.Font font)
Set custom font on a component,
use the other setFont method instead
public void | setFont(Object component, String key, Font font) |
public void setFont(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key, java.awt.Font font)
Set custom font on a component
component - component to use the custom font
font - custom font to use, or null to reset component to use default font
public void | setIcon(Object component, String key, Image icon) |
public void setIcon(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key, java.awt.Image icon)
Sets the given property pair (key and value) for the component
public void | setInteger(Object component, String key, int value) |
public void setInteger(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key, int value)
Sets the given property pair (key and value) for the component
public void | setKeystroke(Object component, String key, String value) |
public void setKeystroke(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
public void | setMethod(Object component, String key, String value, Object root, Object handler) |
public void setMethod(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, java.lang.Object root, java.lang.Object handler) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Sets a new event handler method for a component
component - the target component
key - the key name of the parameter (e.g. action)
value - the method name and parameters
(e.g. foo(this, this.text, mybutton, mybutton.enabled)
for public void foo(Object component, String text, Object mybutton, boolean enabled))
root - the search starting component for name components in the arguments
handler - the target event handler object including the method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
public void | setResourceBundle(ResourceBundle resourcebundle) |
public void setResourceBundle(java.util.ResourceBundle resourcebundle) throws java.util.MissingResourceException
Set a bundle used in parse method, it replaces the parameter values starting
with the 'i18n.' string with a value found in the given bundle
resourcebundle - a bundle for the next parsing or null to remove
the current one
java.util.MissingResourceException - if no object for the given key can be found
public void | setString(Object component, String key, String value) |
public void setString(java.lang.Object component, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
Sets the given property pair (key and value) for the component
protected void | startElement(String name, Hashtable attributelist) |
protected void startElement(java.lang.String name, java.util.Hashtable attributelist)
The SAX-like parser calls this method, you have to overwrite it
name - of the tag
attributelist - a list of attributes including keys and value pairs
public void | update(Graphics g) |
public void update(java.awt.Graphics g)
Invokes the paint method
update in class java.awt.Container